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Hair: Blonde Age: 57 Marital Status: Divorced Height: 5' 2" Body: A few extra pounds Name: Pipas3295 City: Panaca, Nevada
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I am not a teacher and wont. Not a drinker, looking for FWB fun. I am a gentleman in every form of the description and look to extend this to a warm reception. Babes, I'm plump, so that would be fun to play with.

When it comes to my partners I asked that they tell me what they like and is happy to suggest things I guess I wont know what I really like or dislike until I try it but nothing too extreme I dont think I will act on it in person, but I would like to meet ladies and see how it goes. I love to laugh and can even laugh at myself, with myself or with friend's.

Hair: Black Age: 54 Marital Status: Single Height: 5' 5" Body: Slender Name: jadewill21 City: Lynn, Arkansas
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Hello All, im a very clean and sexually active man looking to enjoy time with you. An ideal person. If all are interested after the basics are covered, we can set up a meet. Well I could do some, what you say :). Very sensual and tender, so hope the right man will appreciate It and will not hurt me at all. I am interested in meeting singles as well as couples.

Hair: Blonde Age: 32 Marital Status: Divorced Height: 5' 1" Body: Slender Name: Tonka1981 City: Sunflower, Alabama
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Looking for a fwb to have some fun with life. I have a positive outlook on life and consider myself to be decent looking.

Please DON'T send me a message if you're interested. I like to dance, I enjoy driving, and I like to focus on my own peral development. Chocolate Kisses -S P.S. Hot local lover sex with me to swinger club in San Francisco sex.
Someone who loves motorcycles and riding.

Hair: Chestnut Age: 25 Marital Status: Single Height: 5' 5" Body: A few extra pounds Name: Audioguy55 City: Fostoria, Michigan
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Disclaimer I'm married to a woman, fo what you will with that information.

We are very clean and expect same. I'm looking for single men or a couple of men or a group of men to play with. Just looking for a sexy sub woman that I can play with.. We can make me better.
Pretty pussy girls.
I have also seen men state that they would be interested in joining my wife and I both in the bedroom and outside.

Hair: Auburn Age: 34 Marital Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 2" Body: Average Name: talltale123 City: Seattle, Washington
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Double vaginal. I'm the perfect playmate and I don't mind vanilla. I don't have time to waste on a jerk so please be REAL**I look at a lot more than a physical appearance in a per they need to be able to hold a conversation and have a good time with, and someone who enjoys sex enough to make it last. Novice and Newbie.
Trustworthy lady. Nude woman in Lodi, New Jersey who wanna fuck a lady nicely.

Hair: Brown Age: 37 Marital Status: No Strings Attached Height: 5' 4" Body: A few extra pounds Name: Cosomnaught City: Rock Hall, Maryland
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I'm ready to explore, sweat, and have fun. I have a very public job so that is why you won't find my face on here.

I have a penchant for the psychological aspects of My sessions. Just trying to have fun n meet new people. Just something simple and fun since I'm newly single after a while and if the connection exists then added discussions of a personal nature.

Hair: Auburn Age: 23 Marital Status: Divorced Height: 5' 7" Body: Heavyset Name: Myaaa219 City: Lake Havasu City, Arizona
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I feel that as you get to know me very energetic and naughty, and can be stupid at times and won't let a bad day ruin fun times, always down to try something new and exciting.

My sexual appetite was suppressed for years. I would like to find an ongoing physical relationship with a man. Looking for a regular friends with benefits can ki ck me at bicountryboy9. Would like to meet for ongoing FWB or more.

Hair: Black Age: 28 Marital Status: Married Height: 5' 5" Body: A few extra pounds Name: Shaymoline81 City: Roosevelt, New Jersey
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I have some fantasies I'm wanting to live out. I tell you more about me and find all about you. My friends tell me I am a good looking woman with the necessary curves and sexy body. If this resonates with with drop me your lines :7. Find and add me on my username.

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I'm a huge nerd in that regard and love reading about new tech developments. Musician, archer, swordsman, skater, and gamer.